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What is a hip labral repair?
A hip labral repair is a surgical procedure performed to treat a tear or injury to the labrum in the hip joint. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy with recovery.

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Meet our team: Q&A with Sayaka Suganuma, PeteHealth DPT
PeteHealth provides PTs higher compensation than anyone else, flexible schedules and time-saving technology. Learn more from PeteHealth PT Sayaka Suganuma, DPT.
Meet our team: Q&A with Madelyn McCullough, PeteDME DPT
Learn more about how PeteDME helps PTs maximize their earning potential from one of our expert PTs, Madelyn McCullough, PeteDME DPT.
7 Reasons Why PTs Love the Earning Potential of PeteDME Custom Bracing
PeteDME is the leading custom bracing solution and more and more PTs are choosing PeteDME. Learn all the reasons why PTs love the earning potential of PeteDME
14 Reasons Why PTs Love PeteHealth In-Home Physical Therapy
Join the PeteHealth team and unlock best in class benefits. Learn more about these benefits and why more and more PTs are choosing PeteHealth.

What is a superbill and why do you need it?
Learn everything you need to know about a superbill and how you can use a superbill to request reimbursement from your insurance carrier.

After ACL Surgery: Recovery and Physical Therapy
Wondering what to expect after ACL surgery? Learn everything you need to know. And trust PeteHealth for recovery after ACL surgery

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatment
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is one of the most common tendon swelling conditions. Trust PeteHealth for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment.

Top 7 Most Common Pickleball Injuries [+5 Injury Prevention Tips]
Learn the top 7 pickleball injuries, and how to help prevent them. Trust PeteHealth to help you get back to playing pickleball, or avoid injury.

What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a chronic, progressive bone disease characterized by low bone mass and quality. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for osteoporosis treatment.

What is core stabilization?
Core stabilization enhances stability for the spine and pelvis through activation of the core muscles. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for core stabilization.

What is movement analysis?
Movement analysis in physical therapy is analyzing a person's movement patterns and biomechanics. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for movement analysis.

What is an ergonomic assessment?
An ergonomic assessment is an evaluation of a person's environment to optimize an ergonomic setup. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for an ergonomic assessment

What is vestibular rehabilitation therapy?
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a particular form of PT to help those with vestibular or balance disorders. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for VRT

What is a gait analysis?
Gait analysis is a systematic assessment of an individual's walking pattern or gait. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for gait analysis.

What is core strengthening?
Core strengthening in physical therapy are exercises and techniques targeting the muscles of the core. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for core strengthening.

What is aquatic therapy?
Aquatic therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy in a pool with unique therapeutic benefits. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for aquatic therapy.

What is complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)?
Complex regional pain syndrome (or reflex sympathetic dystrophy) is a chronic pain condition affecting one limb. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for treatment

What is a stroke?
A stroke is a sudden loss of neurological function caused by an interruption of the blood flow to the brain. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for recovery.

What is Parkinson's disease?
Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects movement. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy to treat Parkinson's.

What is multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy to treat multiple sclerosis.

What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain that covers half of the body. Trust PeteHealth physical therapy for treating fibromyalgia.